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Explore investment opportunities with new sectors update

Explore investment opportunities with new sectors update

We are thrilled to announce more stock sectors and related collections categorization are now available for both the U.S. and Hong Kong markets in the SoFi App. You can customize the sectors you want to explore and discover more stocks that align with your investment interest, available for version 4.7.0+.

This update was added to our app in response to feedback from our members who wanted a more efficient and user-friendly way to explore investment opportunities.

How does it work?

For Sectors, you can browse through various industries such as Technology, Financial Services and Energy to discover investment opportunities. By entering each sector, you can continue to explore all the related collections. Here at SoFi, we believe in empowering our members to make informed investment decisions. That’s why we have this little help page in the app that explains how the stocks are displayed: The U.S. and HK stocks are sorted by the market trading volume(number of shares) of the previous trading day and only includes those tradable on SoFi HK.*

How to access this awesome feature?

Accessing sectors is easy! In the app, simply go to the Discovery Page or the Search Page, it’s really hard to miss. From there, you can explore different sectors and related collections and view the stocks within each one. You can also dive deeper into each stock to study the fundamentals, including key status and performance metrics.

SoFi Sectors

How to customize my sectors?

Some popular sectors will be displayed by default if no preference was set for members. You can edit your preferences on [Discover] page > [Sectors (Edit Button)]. Choose up to 5 sectors and update them anytime. If you just signed up recently, you will be guided to set up this preference before your account is even created.

SoFi Sectors

What’s next?

We are always looking for ways to improve our app and make the investment experience even better for our members. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our members so feel free to reach out to us! 

We look forward to continuing to improve our app in the future.

*The information contained in our app is for information purposes only. It is believed to be reliable, but SoFi HK does not warrant its completeness, timeliness and accuracy.


About SoFi Hong Kong

About SoFi Hong Kong

SoFi – Invest. Simple.


SoFi Hong Kong is the All-in-One Super App with stock trading, robo advisor and social features. Trade over 15,000 US and Hong Kong stocks in our SoFi App now.